Pisgah Observatory walter@wrastro.com

Observatory Photos Seeing Monitor Weather Station

Old Observatory Photos Nature Photos Celestron Origin Photos

Occulation of Mars and Moon

Video of Occulation of Mars at Pisgah, Maryalnd on 13-Juy-2024 09:16PM EST

Full Frame Videos ingress and egress

Used my Meade LX200RC-12 and ZWO ASI-183MC.

Occulation of Spica and Moon

Video of Occulation of Spica at Pisgah, Maryland on 13-Jul-2024 11:29PM ETD

Used a Zenithstar 61 and Canon t3i.

Lighting Strike

Video of lighting strike at Pisgah, Maryland on 10-Jul-2024

Storm Clouds

Video of storm from Pisgah, Maryland on 30-Jun-2024 (speed is 6x)

More storm clouds (speed is 20x)

Lighting video clip (realtime)

2023 Annular Solar Eclipse

14-Oct-2023 Odessa, Texas (click on image for album)

M101 Supernova (SN 2023ixf) 23-May-2023

LX200R-12 ASI-1600MM 3x3 -15C 60sec (hover over to see mark)
Before and After Photo

hover effect

Moon 04-Apr-2023

Moon using 1965 Edscorp 4" Refractor and Red filter (click image for full size).

Videos of birds flying across Moon


Video of lighting from Pisgah, Maryland on 13-AUG-2021

A longer version with thunder is here.

Mars 26-OCT-2020

Mars with Red, Green, Blue and combined color images (click on any image for animation)

Three nights of Pluto 09-NOV-2021 10-NOV-2021 12-NOV-2021

Using my Meade LX200RC-12" with a ZWO ASI1600MM, one 10 second shot each night.

Three nights of Pluto starting 05-SEP-2020

Using my Meade LX200RC-12" with a ZWO ASI1600MM, one 15 second shot each night.

Moon ISS Transit 26-MAR-2020 17:22:53 viewed from my house

Using my TeleVue Genesis 101mm f/5 with a ZWO ASI1600MM.

Slowed to 10 frames per second.

Realtime speed.

Moon ISS Transit 03-JUL-2018 04:22:05 viewed from my observatory

Using my TeleVue Genesis 101mm f/5 with a ZWO ASI1600MM at 57 fps.

Slowed to 5 frames per second.

Realtime speed.

Site and equipment details

Total Solar Eclipse 21-AUG-2017 viewed from Grand Island, NE

Photos  Eclipse sequence

Star Trails 18-SEP-2017 from NCO

Starting at 20:18, Ending at 22:31, a little over 2 hours.
Lens dewed near the end.

Sun ISS Transit 08-Aug-2017 10:04:41 viewed Waldorf, MD

Using my Tasco 9TE-5 60mm, 700mm fl, 17mm Plossl eyepiece projection.

Sun ISS Transit 05-AUG-2017 17:04:38 viewed from Newburg, MD

Combined images took 1 second to cross.

AstroVid 2000 video camear wht TeleVue Genesis 101mm f/5, at 30 frames per second.

Moon ISS Transit 04-AUG-2017 01:19:30 viewed from Bensville Park, White Plains, MD

Combined images took 1 second to cross.

AstroVid 2000 video camear wht TeleVue Genesis 101mm f/5, at 30 frames per second.

ISS 18-APR-2016 20:30 viewed from Pisgah, MD

ZWO ASI120MC-S camera with TeleVue Genesis 101mm f/5, at 1 frame per second.

ZWO ASI120MC-S camera with TeleVue Genesis 101mm f/5, at 25 frame per second, near realtime.

Total Lunar Eclipse 2015 Sept 27

Pluto 2015 July 15 and 16

Pisgah, MD, LX200R 12" with SBIG ST-2000XCM (mouseover to toggle nights)
15-Jul-2015 23:58 RA: 18:59:05.6, Dec: -20:45:52, 14.1 Mag.
16-Jul-2015 23:00 RA: 18:58:59.6, Dec: -20:46:07, 14.1 Mag.

Pluto 06-JUL-2014 00:14 EST

NCO C14 14" with StellaCam II, RA: 18:51:19.4, Dec: -20:18:10, 14 Mag.

ORS-3 Launch 19-NOV-2013 viewed from Pisgah, MD

ImagingSource DBK 21AU04 camera with Fujinon YV2.2X1.4A0-2 Lens

Pluto 09-JUL-2013 00:00 EST

LX200R 12" with SBIG ST-2000XCM, ten 30 second exposures, RA: 18:42:07.1, Dec: -19:51:38

Geminid Meteor 2012

Pisgah MD, Start: 2012-12-13 22:10 EST, Stop: 2012-12-14 06:00 EST, Length: 7h 50m

Camera: StellaCam II, 256 frames (10.25 sec), 60% gain, off gamma, Fujinon YV2.2X1.4A-2 1/3 CS Lens

Toutatis (4179) Asteroid

Pisgah MD, Start Time: 2012-12-13 22:38 EST, Length: 1h 7m 25s

Camera: Orion StarShoot AutoGuider, 10 sec.
Scope: Orion Mini 50mm f162mm
Captured screen using CamStudio Recorder at 5000msec frame rate.


Pisgah MD, 1-Aug-2002

My Apollo 11 photos taken from TV July 20, 1969

Last Updated 19-Jan-2025