Observatory Photos
Seeing Monitor
Weather Station
Old Observatory Photos
Nature Photos
Celestron Origin Photos
Video of Occulation of Mars at Pisgah, Maryalnd on 13-Juy-2024 09:16PM EST
Full Frame Videos ingress and egress
Used my Meade LX200RC-12 and ZWO ASI-183MC.
Video of Occulation of Spica at Pisgah, Maryland on 13-Jul-2024 11:29PM ETD
Used a Zenithstar 61 and Canon t3i.
Video of lighting strike at Pisgah, Maryland on 10-Jul-2024
Video of storm from Pisgah, Maryland on 30-Jun-2024 (speed is 6x)
More storm clouds (speed is 20x)
Lighting video clip (realtime)
14-Oct-2023 Odessa, Texas (click on image for album)
LX200R-12 ASI-1600MM 3x3 -15C 60sec (hover over to see mark)
Before and After Photo
Moon using 1965 Edscorp 4" Refractor and Red filter (click image for full size).
Videos of birds flying across Moon
Video of lighting from Pisgah, Maryland on 13-AUG-2021
A longer version with thunder is here.
Mars with Red, Green, Blue and combined color images (click on any image for animation)
Using my Meade LX200RC-12" with a ZWO ASI1600MM, one 10 second shot each night.
Using my Meade LX200RC-12" with a ZWO ASI1600MM, one 15 second shot each night.
Using my TeleVue Genesis 101mm f/5 with a ZWO ASI1600MM.
Slowed to 10 frames per second.
Realtime speed.
Using my TeleVue Genesis 101mm f/5 with a ZWO ASI1600MM at 57 fps.
Slowed to 5 frames per second.
Realtime speed.
Photos  Eclipse sequence
Starting at 20:18, Ending at 22:31, a little over 2 hours.
Lens dewed near the end.
Using my Tasco 9TE-5 60mm, 700mm fl, 17mm Plossl eyepiece projection.
Combined images took 1 second to cross.
AstroVid 2000 video camear wht TeleVue Genesis 101mm f/5, at 30 frames per second.
Combined images took 1 second to cross.
AstroVid 2000 video camear wht TeleVue Genesis 101mm f/5, at 30 frames per second.
ZWO ASI120MC-S camera with TeleVue Genesis 101mm f/5, at 1 frame per second.
ZWO ASI120MC-S camera with TeleVue Genesis 101mm f/5, at 25 frame per second, near realtime.
Pisgah, MD, LX200R 12" with SBIG ST-2000XCM (mouseover to toggle nights)
15-Jul-2015 23:58 RA: 18:59:05.6, Dec: -20:45:52, 14.1 Mag.
16-Jul-2015 23:00 RA: 18:58:59.6, Dec: -20:46:07, 14.1 Mag.
NCO C14 14" with StellaCam II, RA: 18:51:19.4, Dec: -20:18:10, 14 Mag.
ImagingSource DBK 21AU04 camera with Fujinon YV2.2X1.4A0-2 Lens
LX200R 12" with SBIG ST-2000XCM, ten 30 second exposures, RA: 18:42:07.1, Dec: -19:51:38
Pisgah MD, Start: 2012-12-13 22:10 EST, Stop: 2012-12-14 06:00 EST, Length: 7h 50m
Camera: StellaCam II, 256 frames (10.25 sec), 60% gain, off gamma, Fujinon YV2.2X1.4A-2 1/3 CS Lens
Pisgah MD, Start Time: 2012-12-13 22:38 EST, Length: 1h 7m 25s
Camera: Orion StarShoot AutoGuider, 10 sec.
Scope: Orion Mini 50mm f162mm
Captured screen using CamStudio Recorder at 5000msec frame rate.
Pisgah MD, 1-Aug-2002
Last Updated 19-Jan-2025